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Service – Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry in Westerville

The years can definitely take a toll on our smiles, but the skilled staff at Serene Smiles is equipped to turn back the clock and give you that gorgeous smile that you’ve been missing. Call us today to learn how our cosmetic whitening procedures, bonding and dental crowns can rebuild your perfect smile. A beautiful smile is always in style!

Teeth Whitening

Looking for brighter, whiter teeth that last? The professional cosmetic whitening procedures performed at Serene Smiles are more effective and last much longer than any over-the-counter whitening products you might find. Let our talented staff reverse the natural aging process of your teeth and brighten your smile by five to ten shades in a single visit! With proper care, our laser-activated whitening agent will provide you with years and years of beautiful white teeth.


If one or more of your teeth has been chipped, fractured or is discolored from years of wear, cosmetic bonding could be your key to a gorgeous new smile. During the procedure, your dentist will apply a tooth-colored composite resin to seamlessly blend with the rest of your teeth. This bonding will mask chips, cracks and discoloration to instantly create a brighter, more naturally beautiful smile. The benefits of bonding last years and can be done in a single appointment.

Dental Crowns

If you’re looking to rejuvenate your smile and improve the overall appearance of your teeth, your dentist may suggest getting a crown. Crowns are often used for cosmetic purposes to repair a tooth that has been damaged due to an accident, or to mask the result of years of decay or teeth grinding. A popular form of treatment for patients with chipped, yellow or uneven teeth, crowns are sturdy enough to last up to 15 years with proper care.


There’s very little that Veneers cannot cover. These small husk-like casings that serve to protect, restore and replace damaged teeth are virtually invisible and their porcelain covering matches the color of teeth organically. When a Veneer is placed on a tooth it bonds permanently and is virtually painless. They are used for a multitude of purposes including masking discoloration, closing gaps or spaces within teeth, and treating damaged or crooked teeth.