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Cosmetic Dentist in Westerville

December 28, 2017

Where can I find a cosmetic dentist in Westerville?

Cosmetic Dentist in Westerville

If you had the chance to remodel or touch up the appearance of your smile, would you take it? If your teeth are worn down, discolored, chipped, spaced, gapped, or crowded, you may benefit from a consultation with your family and cosmetic dentist in Westerville. At Serene Smiles, we offer the latest treatment options in cosmetic dentistry, from professional teeth whitening and porcelain veneers to facial aesthetics such as Botox. It is our goal to deliver the high-quality care our patients deserve by maintaining a position at the forefront of the latest dental technology and treatment modalities. We have helped many patients create more beautiful smiles, and we are confident we can do the same for you. New patients are always welcome to our state-of-the-art facility, your premier resource for cosmetic dental care.

If you have been considering a cosmetic restoration of your smile, porcelain veneers are an excellent option. With veneers, you can maintain the benefits of your natural tooth structure while masking imperfections. Essentially, veneers are ultra-thin facings for your teeth; veneers are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth. Only minimal preparation is required for your teeth, making veneers one of the most conservative means of transforming your smile. Because they are so customizable in proportions, shape, and color, your aesthetic preferences play a significant role in their fabrication. With such customizable control over the outcome of the procedure, it is no wonder veneers have become the standard cosmetic treatment among Hollywood celebrities. As a leading cosmetic dentist in Westerville, we prioritize quality in all our dental work. We only use the highest grade dental porcelain in the fabrication of our veneers. This premium material ensures that our veneers will be stain-resistant, durable, and with the proper care, they have the potential to last a lifetime.

If a cosmetic restoration of your smile sounds appealing to you, consider visiting the leading cosmetic dentist in Westerville at Serene Smiles today. For more information on any of our dental services and to schedule an appointment, please call our office today.

6357 Hamilton Road Ste C
Westerville, OH 43081
(614) 568-3909